Sara Elhussein Ahmed, BDS, M.S

Dr. Elhusseini Ahmed grew up in Cairo, Egypt. She finished her dental education in 2011, after which she completed a one-year dental internship and worked as a general dentist for four years. During the same period, she also worked as a Fixed Prosthodontics teaching assistant for one year and a Periodontology teaching assistant for another year until she moved to the U.S in 2016 to pursue her dream of becoming a U.S trained Periodontist. She got her specialty training in Periodontology and Master’s degree in Craniofacial biology from the University of Southern California (USC) in los Angeles,2019. After graduation she was excited to be moving to Austin, which she heard Texas’s Los Angeles. Dr. Elhusseini Ahmed is very passionate about the field of Periodontology and educating her patients about it. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her husband and dog, where they go on hikes and travel to visit different states in the U.S.