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Course Director

The instructors for this course have no relevant financial relationships to disclose but are receiving reasonable honoraria for this presentation. Instructor honoraria is provided by Hiossen Implant.

Dr. Thomas Yoon

Course Director

Location: TBD

Total: 21 CE Credits


Friday, December 6, 2024

5 AM – 9 PM

  • Introduction – Soft tissue of the peri-implant area
  • Incision and suture technique
  • Incision & Sutuer
  • Soft tissue manaegment


Saturday, December 7, 2024

5 AM – 9 PM

  • Introduction Classification and treatment of bone defects
  • Bone graft materials
  • Membrane
  • Osteogenesis according to bone defect 􏚲 – GBR
  • GBR technique
  • GBR Kit


Sunday, December 8, 2024

5 AM – 9 PM

  • Osteogenesis procedures according to bone defect 2 – Autogenous bone graft
  • Osteogenesis procedures according to bone defect 3 – Ridge split & expansion
  • Hands-on ESSET Kit
  • Hands-on OssBuilder

 Please contact EAST AIC Education Center should you be interested in registering for the course.


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