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Course Director

The instructors for this course have no relevant financial relationships to disclose but are receiving reasonable honoraria for this presentation. Instructor honoraria is provided by Hiossen Implant.

Dr. Thomas Yoon DDS

Course Director

Location: Zoom Lecture

Total  3 CE Credits

Course Objective and Goals

Zoom Lectures: Thursday, September 21th, 2023 6PM – 9PM

This course is designed to expand the doctor’s knowledge of GBR concepts and procedures. Emphasis will be placed on recognizing proper indications and contraindications, and understanding the biological principles for guided bone regeneration procedure. Different surgical protocols  in contemporary GBR will be discussed along with different materials available in the market.

Presentation topics include:

  • Apply current concepts and principles of GBR, including socket preservation and management
  • Subsequent implant surgery following successful GBR
  • Histology of bone formation and wound healing in GBR
  • Determine the advantages and limitations of GBR
  • Identify different types of socket defects and proper surgical techniques to manage them
  • Place implants protocol following GBR procedure
  • Compare and contrast the differences between various bone grafting materials and membranes
  • Review sandwich bone augmentation
  • Indicate and practice surgical protocol for use of PRF
  • Suture techniques necessary for optimal outcome of GBR
  • Proper indication and technique for utilizing titanium mesh membranes and SMARTBuilder

Please contact EAST AIC Education Center should you be interested in registering for the course.


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